Risk Assessment Team

Prof. Dr. Mustafa ALKAN  Dean
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Füsun YALÇIN                           Vice Dean
Doç. Dr. Orhan ÜNAL                             Vice Dean
Mehmet GÖKOĞLU                                Employee Representative
Selda ÇİVRİL                                            Employee Representative
Çağlayan KANDEMİR                             Employee Representative
Mevlüt BAYAR                                        Support Staff
Aydın ALKAN                                           Support Staff
Süleyman AKPINAR                                Support Staff
Abdullah KOYUN                                     Support Staff
Halil ŞAHİN                                             Support Staff
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Mesut KARAKOÇ                    Department of Physics
Lecturer Dr. Mustafa DERNEK           Department of Physics
Assistant Prof. Tolga YILDIRIM            Department of Biology
Lecturer Emre KILIÇ                            Department of Biology
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Murat KAPLAN                      Department of Space Sciences and Technologies
Res. Asst.  Nagihan ASLAN                  Department of Space Sciences and Technologies
Dr. Lecturer Mutlu GÜLOĞLU         Department of Mathematics
Res. Asst. Dr. Murat KARAÇAYIR        Department of Mathematics
Assoc.Prof. Dr. Ömer KESMEZ                      Department of Chemistry
Lecturer  Timur TONGUR                    Department of Chemistry
Eklenme tarihi :4.02.2025 09:44:46
Son güncelleme : 6.02.2025 10:20:56